Tilottama Public Railway Company

Tilottama Public Railway Company Limited is a public railway company Located at Shankarnagar, Tilottama Municipality,State No 5, Nepal. It has it’s registered Office situated opposite of Banbhatika (NIC Bank Building-second floor). Tilottama Public Railway Company limited is a public company established in order to provide railway service to public in affordable price. It was formed by the group of 501 shareholders which includes 11 board members. This company was officially registered by Nepal Government in December 26, 2019. The main goal of this Railway company is to build single railway track along the Tilottama Municipality ring road with the specification of modern railway system for length about 53Km.
Board Members

Hari Parsad Tiwari Chairperson

Bhola Nath Sharma
Managing Director

Anil Chapagain Member

Khimlal Pandey

Thakur Parsad Acharya

Dipak Karki Member

Devi Wagle

Kishor Panthi

Kamal Parsad Neupane

Dilli Narayan Pandey

Bindu Dhakal Member
? Tilottama Public Railway Co. Ltd.
?️ Shankarnagar-1, Tilottama
? 9857043024 , 9851122023
? tilottamarailways@gmail.com
? www.tilottamarailway.com